Noflex Digestor - Odor Eliminator - Sewage Treatment
Digestor has been used for several years in the commercial industrial work place to reduce sludge build up and control unwanted odour in waste treatment and holding systems on land as well as high efficiency treatment systems aboard marine entities such as the Coast Guard and Merchant Vessels.
Originally developed to enhance the treatment system, NOFLEX is now available in retail packaging for private use in Marine and RV holding tanks and home septic systems. NOFLEX cleans the waste that coats the inside of the piping as it is flushed through the system stopping smells from leaching through pipe connections and hoses. Once inside the holding tank, the product instantly reacts, neutralizing odors instead of masking them.
NOFLEX introduced into the system, being heavier than water sinks to the bottom of the tank were anaerobic (dead bacteria sludge) concentrates. Upon contact it reacts with the sludge lifting it into the main stream releasing micro bubbles of oxygen that break up waste. This also releases the proteins out of the sludge that act as an additional source of nutrition for live bacteria. The oxygen and additional protein turn the unit into a super friendly medium for maximum growth capability.
NOFLEX is not a bacterial treatment enzyme biocide or perfumed product but a blend of chemicals that, when introduced into your sanitary system will very quickly neutralize hydrogen sulphides (unwanted odors), clean pipes and liquefy solids in your holding tank.
NOFLEX It is safe on plastics, cast iron and copper piping.
As NOFLEX works into the tank it breaks down the organics in the waste water, liquefying solids and greases to facilitate easy pump-outs. The spent residue from the reaction is sodium carbonate (baking soda) which helps buffer the solution for discharge to waste treatment facilities.
Treatment for Marine/RV Holding tanks
Over time holding tank systems can be plagued with build-up of anaerobic sludge in the piping system and tanks, with the resulting unpleasant odors and dangerous fumes, sometimes venting into passenger spaces and dock areas.
NOFLEX DIGESTOR liquefies the sludge and neutralizes odors instantly on contact with waste. This solves smell and solids build up problems, facilitating easy and complete pump out of the unit.
Contact GMS for further information on 09 309 6317