Gianneschi pumps, fans and fire-dampers are suitable for pleasure craft, merchant vessels and naval vessels up to 100 metres in length, and they are routinely fitted to European superyachts. Local builders and engineers have picked-up on this endorsement, and Gianneschi products are increasingly installed in NZ-built boats over 15-20 metres in length.
Other pumps, fans and spare parts are indented to order; staff regularly communicate with the factory and indent orders are often express air freighted.
GMS Store distributes Gianneschi product throughout NZ, and supports vessels around the globe; a range of 12v, 24v and 240v pumps and fans, and spare parts to service the common units, are kept in stock.
GMS Service technicians have serviced Gianneschi products for over 20 years and they have built-up a wealth of knowledge and expertise during this time.